Please visit the following links for relevant information regarding city or neighborhood information. If you have a link you would like added to our site, please email us the URL and the site’s relevance to our neighborhood website.
Birchwood neighborhood
Neighborhood planning (includes Birchwood plan and zoning)
Storybrook park (Maplewood/McLeod future park)
Keep our Community Safe and Healthy
See, click, fix is a way for agencies to keep track of issues needing attention. Report city and park issues like invasive weed species, potholes, stormwater issues, graffiti, non-working street lights
Smell fumes? see smoke? This includes operations from industrial operations in our neighborhood. Northwest Clean Air Agency
Report beach-related issues (debris, abandoned boats, invasive species, etc.) and see tide tables through MyCoast via computer or app.
Helicopters should be more than 1000 feet above ground.
Noise from Bellingham International Airport? Learn more and fill out a form to submit a noise abatement complaint
City of Bellingham (COB)
Engage Bellingham (please sign up!)